The Wamego High School Red Raider Marching Band performs at home football games on Friday nights, but that is not all that we do...we compete annually at either the Central States Marching Band Festival held at Kansas State University or the Emporia State University Marching Festival in Emporia, we perform at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, and the marching band is the group that takes one big performance trip every four years. The WHSMB has performed at the Marshall Field Thanksgiving Day parade in Chicago as well as at Walt Disney World and at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If your child is enrolled in High School Band in the fall, marching band is what we do until football season ends.
Check out the new WHS Alma Mater!
IMPORTANT- Click here for information about pre-season marching band practice in July/ August!
Congratulations to the 2019 Drum Majors and Section Leaders!
Drum Majors- Katie Anderson & Maddy Anderson
Flutes- *Samantha Booth & Katie Zachgo
Clarinets- *Maggie Ritter & Maddy Hazlett
All Saxes- Andrew Solomon
Trumpets & Horns- *Molly Myers & Devon Allen
Low Brass- *Jeremiah Hahn & Ian Burton
Percussion- *Brooke Prockish & Hunter Andrews
Color Guard-
Listed below are links to resources and downloads essential for our success as a marching band in the fall.
*By clicking the links below, you will be leaving the Wamego Public Schools USD 320 website and the district cannot insure that sites beyond this point are appropriate, safe or secure. Any information posted beyond this point does not necessarily reflect the opinions of USD 320. If you choose to proceed, what you may encounter is not under the control of USD 320.

Marching Band Warm-ups
Click here for pdf’s of our marching band warm-ups and traditional school songs.

Show Music 2019
This season’s show is “A Beatles Tribute.” This is great music from the most influential rock band in history! Listen to this year’s show music here.

Marching Fundamentals
Click here for video examples of how best to execute the essential marching fundamentals you need to know.

Color Guard
Click here for information about the Wamego High School Color Guard...winner of Superior festival ratings for the past nine years as well as two-time winner of Outstanding Color Guard at ESU.

Required Marching Band Attire
Students are required to purchase uniform marching shoes as well as a secondary uniform marching band t-shirt to start the season. Click here for more information about this.

Exemplary Marching Bands
Want to know what a really good marching band looks like? Look no further...
Click here for information about the
December, 2018 trip to Florida!