Everything you need to know (and some you didn't think you needed to know) about our trip to Florida in December can be found in the Trip Handbook. Click the link below for a copy and read this before the Trip Meeting on November 12th so that you know what to expect.
Everything you need to know (and some you didn't think you needed to know) about our trip to Florida in December can be found in the Trip Handbook. Click the link below for a copy and read this before the Trip Meeting on November 12th so that you know what to expect.
There are five forms that MUST be filled out and returned before traveling with the band and one form that needs to be filled out if your child has prescription medication.
All of these forms are DUE NOVEMBER 30th.
Click the links below to download copies of each form:
Form 1- Medical Consent Form (Required)
-This form MUST be signed in the presence of a notary. There will be a notary available the night of the trip meeting or you may choose to get it notarized before the meeting and turn it in at that time.
Form 2- OTC Medications Permission Form (Required)
-This form is to give permission for us to distribute over-the-counter medications to your child as needed on the trip.
Form 3- Permission to Travel Form (Required)
-This form gives your child permission to travel on this trip, holds harmless the employees and representatives of USD 320, and clarifies your understanding that, should your child do something that requires punitive action, they may be sent home immediately at your expense.
Form 4- Trip Rules Form (Required)
-This form signifies that you and your child understand the rules, procedures, and policies while on this trip.
Form 5- Prescription Medication Form (Only for those students that will be using prescription medication while on the trip)
-This form must be signed by you AND the prescribing physician and will be kept by the nurse traveling with us so that she is aware of dosages and their frequency.
Form 6- Luggage Check Waiver (Required)
-This form is to give us permission to check your child's luggage and carry-on prior to departure. If you prefer not to have a chaperone check your child's luggage, please indicate as such on the form. (A parent or guardian will then need to check the luggage during check-in and sign a statement indicating that no contraband was found.)